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Monster Stay (Official Music Video)
Allegra Lusini

Monster Stay (Official Music Video)

Monster Stay (Official Music Video)

Monster Stay (Official Music Video)

If you love my music please consider buying some merch to support me! My upcoming album "DARK CREATURES" is being released with a very limited ritual kit which can be bought Join my StarseedersUniverse on Patreon for BTS, exclusive content and early access: SOCIAL MEDIA AND LINKS! • Web : • Instagram: • Facebook : • Spotify - • iTunes - • SHOP : MUSIC: Written, recorded and vox produced by Allegra Lusini Produced by Amarcord Mastered by @DanieleMastraccideejay VISUAL: Creative directed by Allegra Lusini Directed by Allegra Lusini Photography Director: Marco Cecilia Edit + Color + Visual Effects: Argella Production Assistant : Pierfrancesco Tini Fashion: Hand made by Allegra Lusini Hair: Evelin Toorhc Studio: Sabatini Studio Lighting: High Voltage Lyrics: ALWAYS SCARED MOTHER CALL ME AND BECAUSE I WAS FALL SHE SAID GO AHEAD AND YOU’LL ALWAYS BE STRONG I WAS SCARED MONSTERS LIVED IN MY SMALL BEDROOM MOM SAID GROW UP SHE CLOSE THE DOOR AND MOVE AWAY MONSTERS STAY NEVER GO AWAY I WANNA BE BE STRONG NOTHING WILL GO WRONG MONSTERS STAY CHILDREN ARE SCARED PARENTS THINK THEY ARE TEASED AND SHOUT FATHER SOMETHING IS BURIED IN MY HEAD SEASON PASS WE GREW UP AND THE SCHOOL IS CLOSED TOO OLD WE MOVED BUT NOTHING SEEMS TO CHANGE MONSTERS STAY NEVER GO AWAY I WANNA BE BE STRONG NOTHING WILL GO WRONG MONSTERS STAY CHILDRENS ARE MADE OF STARS CHILDREN ARE CALL BY THE DARK SOMETHING IS HIDDEN UNDER THE BED SOMETHING SHOUTING IN MY HEAD MONSTERS STAY NEVER GO AWAY I WANNA BE BE STRONG NOTHING WILL GO WRONG MONSTERS STAY
Allegra Lusini -LET ME BE A HERO (Official Music Video)

Allegra Lusini -LET ME BE A HERO (Official Music Video)

L E T M E B E A H E R O My new video LET ME BE A HERO takes us to a world where a creature called GLUUM wanders through the woods. Despite her monstrous appearance, GLUUM hides a sweet and sensitive heart. She feels lonely and longs to become a hero. GLUUM plants flowers and cleans the forest from the garbage left by humans and this shows his dedication to making the world a better place. With this song I would like to remind you of the importance of looking beyond appearances and making a difference in the world, even if we are considered different from others. Every individual, regardless of their outward appearance, can have a kind heart and a desire to do good. Let's create a better world for everyone In the video there is another character DRYMORIA, a magical moth who acts as a protective spirit of the forest. Drymoria watches GLUUM's stock closely. Her character reminds us that there are invisible forces that watch over the people who are committed to protecting and caring for humans and nature: these energies will encourage and protect us along the way Please support me on my PATREON : SOCIAL MEDIA AND LINKS! • Web : • Instagram: • Facebook : • Spotify - • iTunes - • SHOP : Il mio nuovo video LET ME BE A HERO ci porta in un mondo in cui una creatura chiamata GLUUM vaga per i boschi. Nonostante il suo aspetto mostruoso, GLUUM nasconde un cuore dolce e sensibile. Si sente sola e desidera diventare un'eroina. GLUUM pianta fiori e ripulisce la foresta dalla spazzatura lasciata dagli umani e questo dimostra la sua dedizione nel rendere il mondo un posto migliore. Con questa canzone vorrei ricordarvi l'importanza di guardare oltre le apparenze e fare la differenza nel mondo, anche se siamo considerati diversi dagli altri. Ogni individuo, indipendentemente dal suo aspetto esteriore, può avere un cuore gentile e il desiderio di fare del bene. Creiamo un mondo migliore per tutti Nel video c'è un altro personaggio DRYMORIA, una falena magica che funge da spirito protettivo della foresta. Drymoria osserva attentamente le azioni di GLUUM. Il suo carattere ci ricorda che esistono forze invisibili che vegliano sulle persone che si impegnano a proteggere e prendersi cura dell'uomo e della natura: queste energie ci incoraggeranno e ci proteggeranno lungo il cammino. Written by :Allegra Lusini Produced by : Amarcord Records Director of Photography : Marco Cecilia GLUUM : Pierfrancesco TIni Costume Design : Allegra Lusini Filmed at : G-Style Studio
Allegra Lusini - THE NIGHT OF LIGHT  (Yule blessing music)

Allegra Lusini - THE NIGHT OF LIGHT (Yule blessing music)

Yuletide/Xmas blessings/Happy Holidays #yule #christmas #wintersolstice The winter solstice, the longest night of the year also means the return of light and this year, more than ever, the light will bring a sea change for all earthly embodied souls. We warriors of light are called to respond to the call and carry out the mission entrusted at the beginning. So I wish you the best and happy holidays and thank you immensely for your support. IT'S TIME FOR EACH ONE TO MAKE HIS OWN VOICE IN A CREATIVE WAY TO EXPRESS THE CONCEPT OF TIME AS ART. IT CAN BE DONE IN BEAUTY IT CAN BE DONE WITH HARMONY IT IS A WONDERFUL WAY TO CHANGE THE WORLD: EXPRESS YOURSELF, LET YOURSELF BE. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO DO IN THIS 2021 OVERCOMING EVERY OBSTACLE AND DIFFICULTY BY SIMPLY ROOTING INTO THE HEART. BREATHE AND LET GO AND STAY. STAY WITH YOURSELF. STAY WITH ALL YOUR MULTIPLE ASPECTS. THIS BRINGS YOU TO YOUR MULTIDIMENSIONALITY WHICH IS NOW AN ACQUISITION FOR MANY PEOPLE. BE WHO YOU ARE. LET YOUR ENERGIES EMAN FROM YOUR HEART LIKE A WAVE. CONNECT TO THE WAVES OF TIME AND BE THE CHANGE. DO NOT PUT OFF TOMORROW. DO IT NOW. - Please support me on my PATREON : SOCIAL MEDIA AND LINKS! • Web : • Instagram: • Facebook Page - • Spotify - • iTunes - • SHOP : ITA : Il solstizio d'inverno, la notte più lunga dell'anno significa anche il ritorno della luce e questo anno più che mai la luce porterà un cambiamento epocale per tutte le anime terrestri incarnate . Noi guerrieri della luce siamo chiamati rispondere alla chiamata e portare a termine la missione affidata all’inizio. Quindi vi auguro le migliori e buone vacanze e vi ringrazio immensamente per il vostro supporto. E' TEMPO CHE CIASCUNO FACCIA SENTIRE LA PROPRIA VOCE IN MODO CREATIVOPER ESPRIMERE IL CONCETTO DEL TEMPO COME ARTE.LO SI PUO' FARE NELLA BELLEZZALO SI PUO' CON ARMONIA E' UN MODO MERAVIGLIOSO PER CAMBIARE IL MONDO:ESPRIMERE SE STESSI, LASCIARSI ESSERE.QUESTA E' LA COSA PIU' IMPORTANTE DA FARE IN QUESTO 2021SUPERARE OGNI OSTACOLO E DIFFICOLTA' SEMPLICEMENTE RADICANDOSI NEL CUORE.RESPIRA E LASCIA ANDARE E STAI.STAI CON TE STESSO.STAI CON TUTTI I TUOI MOLTEPLICI ASPETTI.CIO' TI PORTA ALLA TUA MULTIDIMENSIONALITA'CHE E' ORA UN'ACQUISIZIONE PER TANTE PERSONE.SII CHI SEI.LASCIA CHE LE TUE ENERGIE EMANINO DAL TUO CUORE COME UN'ONDA.COLLEGATI ALLE ONDE DEL TEMPOE SII IL CAMBIAMENTO.NON RIMANDARE A DOMANI.FALLO ORA. -


June 21 It is the longest day of the year. On a full moon night an ancient witches' song rises to the sky, among the silent woods and the nocturnal creatures .. An ancient soul and the powerful call of our moon sister. The song recalls its strength, its mystery and our connection with the invisible world .. I created this video to take you with me on this magical night. Like Samhain, Litha is the day when the boundaries between worlds are subtle. In fact, it is the moment when it is easier to have "supernatural" experiences because fairies gather in the valleys. Litha is the time to re-celebrate the blaze of life also through singing. Singing is one of the oldest ways of celebrating and doing rituals in the world: a sacred rite that knows the arabesques of the time. Usually, he who sings gathers spirits to get clairvoyance and knowledge, communicates and receives information, honors the ancients, cares for and guides the mystical journey of his soul in the dance of life. Close your eyes and let your soul awaken your ancient inner knowledge, your power and your essence THANK YOU FOR LOOKING ♥ Remember always keep fighting for your dreams !! Please support me on my PATREON : SOCIAL MEDIA AND LINKS! • Web : • Instagram: • Facebook : • Spotify - • iTunes - • SHOP :
Allegra Lusini - When I Hate you - Official Video

Allegra Lusini - When I Hate you - Official Video

The new single by Allegra lusini is launched with a new and exciting video created and directed by Michele Pastrello. The collaboration between the two artists stems from an affinity of spirit and art-visual communication that unites them. A sense of nostalgic sound, distant memories and broken hearts. "The song by Allegra Lusini is a poignant and conflicting declaration of love, which I wanted to put into images translating it into a rite of passage, in fact the protagonist of the video - a girl ready to fight and defend herself - leaves for a journey that will lead, through the "signs" embodied by the malum (the apple, in Latin), to the first important node to dissolve of his life, which is equivalent to that of many women: that is, the paternal relationship, which must pass through a rite that allows you to go further, as if to split from that beloved and hated half that does not allow it to soar entirely in flight. "Love, to heal itself, needs rites." So Michele Pastrello wanted to interpret the song of the singer giving added value to the intensity of the song itself. Credits: Written & directed by Michele Pastrello With Barbara Scalco and Flavio Mazzuco Edited Michele Pastrello Assistant: Barbara Pianca Il nuovo singolo di Allegra lusini viene lanciato con un nuovo ed emozionante video creato e diretto dal noto regista MICHELE PASTRELLO. La collaborazione tra i due artisti nasce da un’affinità di spirito e comunicazione arte-visiva che li accomuna. Un certo senso di nostalgico suono, di ricordi lontani e di cuori infranti. " Il brano di Allegra Lusini è una struggente e conflittuale dichiarazione d'amore, che ho voluto mettere in immagini traducendolo in un rito di passaggio. Infatti la protagonista del video - una ragazza ormai pronta a combattere e a difendersi - parte per un viaggio che la porterà, tramite dei "segnali" incarnati dal malum (la mela, in latino), al primo importante nodo da sciogliere della sua vita. Che equivale a quello di molte donne: cioè il rapporto paterno, che deve passare appunto attraverso un rito che le permetta di andare oltre, come a dividersi da quella metà amata e odiata che non le permette di librarsi totalmente in volo. L'amore, per guarirsi, ha bisogno di riti."  Cosi Michele Pastrello ha voluto interpretare il brano della cantante dando valore aggiunto all’intensità del brano stesso. Credits: Written & directed by Michele Pastrello With Barbara Scalco e Flavio Mazzuco Edited Michele Pastrello Assistant: Barbara Pianca
Allegra Lusini - Scent of Running Away (Official Music Video)
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